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fission:(핵)분열, fusion:(핵)융합,결합;퓨전 음식

by 댓츠굿 2016. 1. 7.

North Korea says it successfully conducts hydrogen bomb test 

By Euan McKirdy and Greg Botelho, CNN


Count Bruce Bennett, a senior defense analyst with the nonpartisan research group, among the skeptics. He said North Korea has had trouble "mastering even the basics of a fission weapon," so it's a big leap to think it could create an even more complicated hydrogen bomb.

"Unless North Korea has help from outside experts, it is unlikely that it has really achieved a hydrogen/fusion bomb since its last nuclear test just short of three years ago," Bennett said.


a fission[|fɪʃn] weapon : 핵분열 폭탄 (원자 폭탄)

fusion[|fju:Ʒn] : 융합, 결합

fusion bomb : 핵융합에 의한 폭탄(특히 수소 폭탄)

nuclear fusion :핵융합

French–Thai fusion : 프랑스 요리와 타이 요리의 퓨전 형태

출처: cnn, 네이버 영어사전


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